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Step 1. Any Electrical Activity?
ECG tutor

Six step

Step 1. Is the any electrical activity?

Check the ECG to see if there is electrical activity on every one of the leads. If any areas are completely flatlined, this may suggest that one of the leads has fallen off. A completly straight flatline suggests that a lead has fallen off. In cases of asystolic cardiac arrest there is usually a small degree of baseline wandering. Always make sure to check your patient, and not treat solely on the findings of the ECG.

Step 2. What is the rate?

Method 1: Divide 300 by the number of large square in between 2 different QRS complexes. This can only be used if the rhythm is regular.

Method 2: Mark off six seconds on the ECG trace (30 large squares). Count the number of QRS complexes that occur in six seconds then multiply this number by 10 to get the heart rate in beats per minute

Step 3. Is the Rhythm irregular? 

Heart Rhythm can be described in 3 ways 


  • Regular (metronome-like with every beat equally spaced)


  • Regularly Irregular (every beat not equally spaced but there is a distinct repeating pattern)


  • Irregularly Irregular (sporadic pattern of beats with no clear spacing)

STEp 4. broad or narrow qrs complexes?

Normally it takes less than 0.12 seconds for ventricular depolarisation to happen. The QRS complex duration reflects this by being narrow  (lasting less than 3 small squares in duration).


If the QRS is broader than this, it suggests that either:

(1) the electrical signals are not propagating via the normal His-purkinje system; or,

(2) there is an electrolyte abnormality, causing a slowing of depolarisation.

Step 5. Are there Any p-waves 

Check ALL of the different leads to establish whether there is a presence or absence of distinct p-waves. Absence of p-waves before the QRS complex can occur in some of the following conditions :-

  • Atrial Fibrillation (shown below)

  • Supraventricula tachycardias

  • Junctional rhythms

  • Hyperkalaemia

Step 6. What is the P:QRS relationship

It's important to check that

  • (1) there is a P-wave for every QRS complex;  and  

  • (2) that there is a QRS complex for every P-wave. 


By doing this you can see whether there are any extra beats or dropped beats. Heart blocks are common arrhythmias that cause dropping of the QRS complex, like in the example below

Step 5. Are There Any P-waves?
Step 6. Relationship of P : QRS
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