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About us

The EXG team
Dr Alistair James
Company Founder

Hello, my name is Dr Alistair James MBChB BSc Hons (physiology) and I'm the founding director of EXG 

    Where It All Began

    EXG academy for ECG teaching is the product of more than 6 years of collaboration and hard work from a multitude of  team members. Our Team leaders include Advanced Life Support instructor candidate and website designer Dr Alistair James (MBChB, BSc hons physiology), alongside senior cardiac electrophysiologists Jacqueline MacDonald and Julius Donkor of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, UK


    Our platform started off as a student project in 2014 during our time at the University of Aberdeen. We began to notice that many students had developed a fear of interpreting electrocardiograms because of inexperience and a lack of available teaching resources online. 

    Despite ECG interpretation being a fundamental skill for junior doctors approximately 80% of final year students did not feel confident at interpreting basic rhythms at the time.


    ECG interpretation lectures are often too detailed and lack basic explanations for the pathology shown on the trace. Across universities in the UK ECG teaching was found to be sparse and as a result students tended to avoid learning the skill, rather than accepting that they had gaps in their knowledge.

    Our E-learning course is different from the others available on the web. We focus solely on the fundamentals of ECG interpretation. We want to demonstrate how powerful a skill it is to be able to read an ECG in everyday clinical practice.


    Most other platforms consist of hours of in depth videos which are time consuming to watch and tedious to write up. Our platform is split into short, to the point lessons outlining each arrhythmia or cardiac pathology. Our tutorial section will take you through everything from cardiac anatomy and ECG` setup, to  in depth analysis of rhythm strips and 12 lead ECGs. 


    It's all about getting the basics, once you've mastered them then you will be able to tackle any ECG that crops up in medical school or MRCP exams without fear.

    We really hope you enjoy exploring our new platform

    Keep learning to keep improving.


    The EXG Design Team 

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